Splitting and Partitioning Objects

Demonstrate splitting by mass and partitioning along dimensions.

import plotly
import pandas as pd
from functools import partial

from elphick.mass_composition.flowsheet import Flowsheet
from elphick.mass_composition.utils.partition import perfect
from elphick.mass_composition.datasets.sample_data import sample_data, size_by_assay
from elphick.mass_composition import MassComposition

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = -1

Create a mass-composition (mc) enabled Xarray Dataset

We get some demo data in the form of a pandas DataFrame

df_data: pd.DataFrame = sample_data()
wet_mass mass_dry FE SIO2 al2o3 LOI group
0 100.0 90.0 57.0 5.2 3.0 5.0 grp_1
1 90.0 80.0 59.0 3.1 1.7 4.0 grp_1
2 110.0 90.0 61.0 2.2 0.9 3.0 grp_2

# Construct a MassComposition object and standardise the chemistry variables

obj_mc: MassComposition = MassComposition(df_data, name='test data')
test data
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 216B
Dimensions:   (index: 3)
  * index     (index) int64 24B 0 1 2
Data variables:
    mass_wet  (index) float64 24B 100.0 90.0 110.0
    mass_dry  (index) float64 24B 90.0 80.0 90.0
    H2O       (index) float64 24B 10.0 11.11 18.18
    Fe        (index) float64 24B 57.0 59.0 61.0
    SiO2      (index) float64 24B 5.2 3.1 2.2
    Al2O3     (index) float64 24B 3.0 1.7 0.9
    LOI       (index) float64 24B 5.0 4.0 3.0
    group     (index) object 24B 'grp_1' 'grp_1' 'grp_2'
    mc_name:            test data
    mc_vars_mass:       ['mass_wet', 'mass_dry']
    mc_vars_chem:       ['Fe', 'SiO2', 'Al2O3', 'LOI']
    mc_vars_attrs:      ['group']
    mc_interval_edges:  {}
mass_wet mass_dry H2O Fe SiO2 Al2O3 LOI
test data 300.0 260.0 13.333333 59.0 3.515385 1.873077 4.0

Split by Mass

Split the original Dataset by mass and return both the defined split and complement objects. Splitting with a float, splits mass but does not modify the absolute grade of the input.

obj_mc_split, obj_mc_comp = obj_mc.split(fraction=0.1)
(0.1 * test data)
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 216B
Dimensions:   (index: 3)
  * index     (index) int64 24B 0 1 2
Data variables:
    mass_wet  (index) float64 24B 10.0 9.0 11.0
    mass_dry  (index) float64 24B 9.0 8.0 9.0
    H2O       (index) float64 24B 10.0 11.11 18.18
    Fe        (index) float64 24B 57.0 59.0 61.0
    SiO2      (index) float64 24B 5.2 3.1 2.2
    Al2O3     (index) float64 24B 3.0 1.7 0.9
    LOI       (index) float64 24B 5.0 4.0 3.0
    group     (index) object 24B 'grp_1' 'grp_1' 'grp_2'
    mc_name:            (0.1 * test data)
    mc_vars_mass:       ['mass_wet', 'mass_dry']
    mc_vars_chem:       ['Fe', 'SiO2', 'Al2O3', 'LOI']
    mc_vars_attrs:      ['group']
    mc_interval_edges:  {}
mass_wet mass_dry H2O Fe SiO2 Al2O3 LOI
(0.1 * test data) 30.0 26.0 13.333333 59.0 3.515385 1.873077 4.0

mass_wet mass_dry H2O Fe SiO2 Al2O3 LOI
(0.9 * test data) 270.0 234.0 13.333333 59.0 3.515385 1.873077 4.0

Add the split and complement parts using the mc.add method

obj_mc_sum: MassComposition = obj_mc_split + obj_mc_comp
mass_wet mass_dry H2O Fe SiO2 Al2O3 LOI
((0.1 * test data) + (0.9 * test data)) 300.0 260.0 13.333333 59.0 3.515385 1.873077 4.0

Confirm the sum of the splits is materially equivalent to the starting object.

pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(obj_mc.data.to_dataframe(), obj_mc_sum.data.to_dataframe())

Partition by Dimension

In mineral processing, unit operations separate particles based on one (or more) property. Consider a sizing screen, separating by size. The characteristics of such separations can be defined by a function. The function is often called a partition curve or tromp curve.

First we load a size x assay dataset, with size fractions as the index. While the data is multidimensional (considering all assays), from the MassComposition object definition it is a 1D dataset (indexed by size).

df_data: pd.DataFrame = size_by_assay()
mass_dry fe sio2 al2o3
size_retained size_passing
0.850 2.000 3.3 64.15 2.04 2.68
0.500 0.850 9.9 64.33 2.05 2.23
0.150 0.500 26.5 64.52 1.84 2.19
0.075 0.150 2.5 62.65 2.88 3.32
0.045 0.075 8.8 62.81 2.12 2.25
0.000 0.045 49.0 55.95 6.39 6.34

Create the object

mc_size: MassComposition = MassComposition(df_data, name='size sample')
size sample
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 336B
Dimensions:   (size: 6)
  * size      (size) object 48B [0.85, 2.0) [0.5, 0.85) ... [0.0, 0.045)
Data variables:
    mass_wet  (size) float64 48B 3.3 9.9 26.5 2.5 8.8 49.0
    mass_dry  (size) float64 48B 3.3 9.9 26.5 2.5 8.8 49.0
    H2O       (size) float64 48B 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
    Fe        (size) float64 48B 64.15 64.33 64.52 62.65 62.81 55.95
    SiO2      (size) float64 48B 2.04 2.05 1.84 2.88 2.12 6.39
    Al2O3     (size) float64 48B 2.68 2.23 2.19 3.32 2.25 6.34
    mc_name:            size sample
    mc_vars_mass:       ['mass_wet', 'mass_dry']
    mc_vars_chem:       ['Fe', 'SiO2', 'Al2O3']
    mc_vars_attrs:      []
    mc_interval_edges:  {'size': {'left': 'retained', 'right': 'passing'}}
mass_wet mass_dry H2O Fe SiO2 Al2O3
size sample 100.0 100.0 0.0 60.09245 4.14753 4.27716

Visualise the data

fig = mc_size.plot_parallel(color='Fe')

We partially initialise the perfect partition function The dim argument is added to inform the split method which dimension to apply the function/split to

partition = partial(perfect, d50=0.150, dim='size')

Separate the object using the defined partition

mc_coarse, mc_fine = mc_size.split_by_partition(partition_definition=partition)
mc_coarse.name = 'coarse'
mc_fine.name = 'fine'

fs: Flowsheet = Flowsheet().from_streams([mc_size, mc_coarse, mc_fine])
fig = fs.plot_network()
fig = fs.table_plot(table_pos='top',
                     sankey_color_var='Fe', sankey_edge_colormap='copper_r', sankey_vmin=50, sankey_vmax=70)
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
plotly.io.show(fig)  # this call to show will set the thumbnail for use in the gallery

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.849 seconds)

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