import logging
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import chi2
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from elphick.sklearn_viz.features import PrincipalComponents
from elphick.sklearn_viz.features.principal_components import PCResults
from elphick.sklearn_viz.features.scatter_matrix import plot_scatter_matrix
from elphick.sklearn_viz.utils import log_timer
[docs]def mahalanobis(x: pd.DataFrame, data: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, cov=None) -> pd.DataFrame:
if data is None:
data = x
x_mu = x - np.mean(data)
if not cov:
cov = np.cov(data.values.T)
inv_covmat = np.linalg.inv(cov)
left =, inv_covmat)
mahal =, x_mu.T).diagonal()
pvals = 1 - chi2.cdf(mahal, len(x.columns) - 1)
res: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame(np.vstack((mahal, pvals)).T, columns=['mahal_dist', 'p_val'], index=x.index)
return res
[docs]def plot_outlier_matrix(x: pd.DataFrame, pca_spec: Union[float, int] = 0, p_val: float = 0.001,
principal_components: bool = False) -> go.Figure:
"""Detect and plot outliers
x: X values for outlier detection.
pca_spec: If zero, pca is not used. For integers (n) > 0 outlier detection is performed on the
top n principal components. For values (f) < 1, outlier detection is performed on the number of
principal components that explain f% of the variance.
p_val: the p-value threshold for outlier detection.
principal_components: If True (and pca_spec is not 0) the principal components will be plotted. Otherwise,
will plot in the original feature space.
return OutlierDetection(x=x, pca_spec=pca_spec, p_val=p_val).plot_outlier_matrix(
[docs]class OutlierDetection:
[docs] def __init__(self, x: pd.DataFrame, pca_spec: Union[float, int] = 0,
standardise: bool = False, p_val: float = 0.001):
x: X values for outlier detection.
pca_spec: If zero, pca is not used. For integers (n) > 0 outlier detection is performed on the
top n principal components. For values (f) < 1, outlier detection is performed on the number of
principal components that explain f% of the variance.
standardise: If True, standardise the data prior to PCA, where vectors are transformed to zero mean and
unit variance.
p_val: the p-value threshold for outlier detection.
self._logger = logging.getLogger(name=__class__.__name__)
self.x: pd.DataFrame = x
self.pca_spec: Union[float, int] = pca_spec
self.standardise: bool = standardise
self.p_val: float = p_val
self._data: Optional[Dict] = None
def data(self) -> Optional[Dict]:
if self._data is not None:
res = self._data
label: str = 'std' if self.standardise else 'raw'
res: Dict = {}
if self.pca_spec != 0:
res['pca'] = PrincipalComponents(self.x)
pca_data: PCResults = res['pca'].data[label]
if self.pca_spec >= 1:
mahal = mahalanobis([:, 0:self.pca_spec])
elif self.pca_spec < 1:
num_required: int = next(i for i, v in
enumerate(pca_data.explained_variance.cumsum() / 100 >= self.pca_spec) if
v is True) + 1
mahal = mahalanobis([:, 0:num_required])
raise ValueError("pca_spec cannot be negative")
mahal = mahalanobis(x=self.x)
res['mahal'] = mahal
res['outlier'] = pd.Series(res['mahal']['p_val'] < self.p_val, name='outlier')
self._data = res
return res
def plot_outlier_matrix(self, principal_components: bool = False) -> go.Figure:
if principal_components:
if 'pca' in
fig =['pca'].plot_scatter_matrix(original_features=True,['outlier'])
raise ValueError("Outliers not defined using PCA. Try changing pca_spec.")
fig = plot_scatter_matrix(x=pd.concat([self.x,['outlier']], axis=1), color='outlier',
title="Outlier Scatter Matrix")
return fig