Go to the end to download the full example code.
Partition Models
Partition models, (a.k.a. partition curves in the 1 dimensional case) define the separation of a unit operation / process.
The Partition Number (K) is represents the probability that a particle will report to the concentrate stream.
Note that the term “concentrate” in the numerator can be misleading, as it does not always accurately represent the desired or obtained fraction. For instance, in a screening operation, the numerator might be the “oversize” rather than the “concentrate.” To create a more universally applicable term for the numerator, we can redefine it as the “preferred fraction.” This new terminology allows for a more inclusive and adaptable equation:
Consider a desliming cyclone that aims to separate a slurry at 150 micron. The preferred stream is defined as the Underflow (UF), since that is the “stream of interest” in our simple example.
Add a reference to partition curves.
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from scipy.interpolate import PchipInterpolator
from elphick.geomet import IntervalSample
from elphick.geomet.datasets.sample_data import size_by_assay
from elphick.geomet.flowsheet import Flowsheet
from elphick.geomet.utils.partition import napier_munn, napier_munn_size
from elphick.geomet.utils.pandas import calculate_partition
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Create a mass-composition object
We get some demo data in the form of a pandas DataFrame
df_data: pd.DataFrame = size_by_assay()
mc_feed: IntervalSample = IntervalSample(df_data, name='size sample', moisture_in_scope=False)
IntervalSample: size sample
{'mass_dry': {0: 100.0}, 'Fe': {0: 60.09245000000001}, 'SiO2': {0: 4.14753}, 'Al2O3': {0: 4.277159999999999}}
Define and Apply the Partition
We partially initialise the partition function. The unfilled argument must be named the same as the index in the IntervalSample object upon which the partition is applied. In this example the unfilled argument is ‘size’, so the partition will be applied to the size dimension of the index.
part_cyclone = partial(napier_munn_size, d50=0.150, ep=0.1)
Separate the object using the defined partitions. UF = Underflow, OF = Overflow
mc_uf, mc_of = mc_feed.split_by_partition(partition_definition=part_cyclone, name_1='underflow', name_2='overflow')
fs: Flowsheet = Flowsheet().from_objects([mc_feed, mc_uf, mc_of])
fig = fs.table_plot(table_pos='left',
sankey_color_var='Fe', sankey_edge_colormap='copper_r', sankey_vmin=50, sankey_vmax=70)
We’ll now get the partition data from the objects
df_partition: pd.DataFrame = mc_feed.calculate_partition(preferred=mc_uf)
Create an interpolator from the data. As a Callable, the spline can be used to split a MassComposition object.
size_grid = np.linspace(0.01, df_partition.index.right.max(), num=500)
spline_partition = PchipInterpolator(x=df_partition.sort_index()['size'], y=df_partition.sort_index()['K'])
pn_extracted = spline_partition(size_grid)
Plot the extracted data, and the spline on the input partition curve to visually validate.
pn_original = part_cyclone(size_grid)
fig = go.Figure(go.Scatter(x=size_grid, y=pn_original, name='Input Partition', line=dict(width=5, color='DarkSlateGrey')))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df_partition['size'], y=df_partition['K'], name='Extracted Partition Data', mode='markers',
marker=dict(size=12, color='red', line=dict(width=2, color='DarkSlateGrey'))))
go.Scatter(x=size_grid, y=pn_extracted, name='Extracted Partition Curve', line=dict(width=2, color='red', dash='dash')))
fig.update_layout(title='Partition Round Trip Check', xaxis_title='da', yaxis_title='K', yaxis_range=[0, 1.05])
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
There are minor differences between the interpolated spline curve and the Napier-Munn input partition. However, the data points all lie on both curves.
Pandas Function
The partition functionality is available as a pandas function also.
df_partition_2: pd.DataFrame =,, col_mass_dry='mass_dry')
pd.testing.assert_frame_equal(df_partition, df_partition_2)
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.586 seconds)