
elphick.geomet.utils.interp.mass_preserving_interp_2d(intervals, interval_edges, include_original_edges=True, precision=None, mass_dry='mass_dry')[source]

Interpolate 2D interval data with zero mass loss using pchip

This function applies mass-preserving up-sampling to 2D interval data. The function will: - resample the first dimension using the mass_preserving_interp function - resample the second dimension using the mass_preserving_interp function at each of the new first

dimension intervals

  • apply the upsampled mass proportions of the second dimension to the first dimension to create the final result

  • intervals (DataFrame) – Dataframe with two pd.IntervalIndexes, in mass-composition space.

  • interval_edges (dict[str, Iterable]) – Dict of the values of the new grid (interval edges) for each dimension, keyed by index name (dimension).

  • include_original_edges (bool) – If True include the original index edges in the result

  • precision (Optional[int]) – Number of decimal places to round the index (edge) values.

  • mass_dry (str) – The dry mass column, not optional. Consider solve_mass_moisture prior to this call if needed.

Return type:

