Learning Curve

This example demonstrates the learning curve, which helps answer two questions:

  1. Is my model over-fitted?

  2. Will my model benefit from more data?

Code has been adapted from the sklearn example.

This machinelearningmastery article is a great resource for interpretation of learning curves.

import logging

import plotly
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits, load_diabetes
from sklearn.linear_model import RidgeCV
from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline, Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

from elphick.sklearn_viz.model_selection import LearningCurve, plot_learning_curve, metrics

                    format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(module)s - %(funcName)s: %(message)s',

Load Data

X, y = load_digits(return_X_y=True)

Create a Classifier Pipeline

The pipeline will likely include some pre-processing.

pipe: Pipeline = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), GaussianNB()).set_output(transform='pandas')
Pipeline(steps=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler()),
                ('gaussiannb', GaussianNB())])
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Plot using the function

cv = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=50, test_size=0.2, random_state=0)
fig = plot_learning_curve(pipe, x=X, y=y, cv=cv)
# noinspection PyTypeChecker

Plot using the object

Plotting using the object allows access to the underlying data.


You can use n_jobs to parallelize the computation.

lc: LearningCurve = LearningCurve(pipe, x=X, y=y, cv=5, n_jobs=5)
fig = lc.plot(title='Learning Curve').update_layout(height=600)

View the data

LearningCurveResult(training_scores=array([[0.97902098, 0.98601399, 0.98601399, 0.98601399, 0.98601399],
       [0.85010707, 0.87366167, 0.91648822, 0.91648822, 0.91648822],
       [0.85063291, 0.8556962 , 0.86582278, 0.81392405, 0.81392405],
       [0.87780773, 0.88679245, 0.87241689, 0.79964061, 0.79245283],
       [0.82602644, 0.84620738, 0.83716075, 0.78705637, 0.84133612]]), validation_scores=array([[0.70277778, 0.59722222, 0.56267409, 0.64345404, 0.55153203],
       [0.69722222, 0.71388889, 0.7632312 , 0.84122563, 0.76044568],
       [0.69722222, 0.73055556, 0.78272981, 0.80779944, 0.76044568],
       [0.76388889, 0.75277778, 0.77715877, 0.80779944, 0.72423398],
       [0.75277778, 0.74444444, 0.77715877, 0.7994429 , 0.76044568]]), training_sizes=array([ 143,  467,  790, 1113, 1437]), metrics=None)

Results as a dataframe

df = lc.results.get_results()
train_count_143 train_count_467 train_count_790 train_count_1113 train_count_1437 dataset
0 0.979021 0.850107 0.850633 0.877808 0.826026 training
1 0.986014 0.873662 0.855696 0.886792 0.846207 training
2 0.986014 0.916488 0.865823 0.872417 0.837161 training
3 0.986014 0.916488 0.813924 0.799641 0.787056 training
4 0.986014 0.916488 0.813924 0.792453 0.841336 training
5 0.702778 0.697222 0.697222 0.763889 0.752778 validation
6 0.597222 0.713889 0.730556 0.752778 0.744444 validation
7 0.562674 0.763231 0.782730 0.777159 0.777159 validation
8 0.643454 0.841226 0.807799 0.807799 0.799443 validation
9 0.551532 0.760446 0.760446 0.724234 0.760446 validation

Regressor Learning Curve

This example uses a regression model.

diabetes = load_diabetes(as_frame=True)
X, y = diabetes.data, diabetes.target
y.name = "progression"

pipe: Pipeline = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), RidgeCV()).set_output(transform='pandas')
Pipeline(steps=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler()), ('ridgecv', RidgeCV())])
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lc: LearningCurve = LearningCurve(pipe, x=X, y=y, cv=5)
fig = lc.plot(title='Learning Curve').update_layout(height=600)

Learning Curve with Metrics

While a model is fitted based on the defined scorer, we may be interested in other metrics. The metrics parameter allows us to define additional metrics to calculate.

lc: LearningCurve = LearningCurve(pipe, x=X, y=y,
                                  metrics={'mse': metrics.mean_squared_error, 'moe': metrics.moe_95},
                                  cv=5, n_jobs=5)
fig = lc.plot(title='Learning Curve with Metrics', metrics=['mse', 'moe'], col_wrap=2).update_layout(height=800)

Learning Curve for a metric without the scorer

fig = lc.plot(title='Learning Curve - Metric, no scorer', metrics=['moe'], plot_scorer=False).update_layout(height=700)

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 4.786 seconds)

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