
elphick.sklearn_viz.features.principal_components.plot_principal_components(x, color=None, plot_3d=True, loading_vectors=True, standardised=False, title=None)[source]
  • x (DataFrame) – X values to transform and plot.

  • color (Optional[Series]) – optional series by which to color the markers

  • plot_3d (bool) – If True plot the top 3 principal components in 3D, otherwise the top 2 in 2D.

  • loading_vectors (bool) – If True and plot_type is ‘2D’|’3D’ loading vectors will be displayed.

  • standardised (bool) – If True, plot the standardised PCA, where vectors are transformed to zero mean and unit variance.

  • title (Optional[str]) – Optional plot title

Return type:



a plotly GraphObjects.Figure