from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Iterable, Union
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.interpolate import pchip_interpolate
import xarray as xr
from elphick.mass_composition.utils.pd_utils import composition_to_mass, mass_to_composition
[docs]def interp_monotonic(ds: xr.Dataset, coords: Dict, include_original_coords: bool = True) -> xr.Dataset:
"""Interpolate with zero mass loss using pchip
The pchip interpolation cannot be used via the xr.Dataset.interp method directly due to an error.
This interpolates data_vars independently for a single dimension (coord) at a time.
The function will:
- convert from relative composition (%) to absolute (mass)
- convert the index from interval to a float representing the right edge of the interval
- cumsum to provide monotonic increasing data
- interpolate with a pchip spline to preserve mass
- diff to recover the original fractional data
- reconstruct the interval index from the right edges
- convert from absolute to relative composition
ds: The xarray Dataset with relative composition context
include_original_coords: If True include the original coordinates in the result
coords: A dictionary of coordinates mapped to the interpolated values.
if len(coords) > 1:
raise NotImplementedError("Not yet tested for more than one dimension")
ds_res: xr.Dataset = ds
for coord, x in coords.items():
ds_mass: xr.Dataset =, ascending=True)
# preserve the minimum interval index for later
original_index = pd.arrays.IntervalArray(ds_mass[coord].data)
mass: xr.Dataset = ds_mass.cumsum(keep_attrs=True)
# put the coords back
mass = mass.assign_coords(**ds_mass.coords)
# # we'll work in cumulative mass space, using the right edge of the fraction (passing in the size context)
mass['size'] = pd.arrays.IntervalArray(mass['size'].data).right
# check the input is monotonic
mass_check: pd.Series = mass.to_dataframe().apply(lambda col: col.is_monotonic_increasing, axis='index')
if not np.all(mass_check):
raise ValueError("The input data is not monotonic - have you not passed a cumulative mass dataset?")
chunks: List[np.ndarray] = []
for v in list(mass.data_vars):
chunks.append(pchip_interpolate(mass[coord], mass[v], x))
df = pd.DataFrame(data=chunks, index=list(mass.data_vars), columns=x).T = coord
mass_check: pd.Series = df.apply(lambda col: col.is_monotonic_increasing, axis='index')
if not np.all(mass_check):
raise ValueError("The interpolation is not monotonic - mass has not been preserved.")
if include_original_coords:
ds_res: xr.Dataset = xr.concat([mass, xr.Dataset.from_dataframe(df)], dim=coord, combine_attrs='override')
ds_res = ds_res.drop_duplicates(dim=coord).sortby(variables=coord, ascending=True)
ds_res: xr.Dataset = xr.Dataset.from_dataframe(df)
da: xr.DataArray
for new_da, da in zip(ds_res.values(), ds_res.values()):
# back to fractions using diff, concat to inject in the correct first record
ds_res = xr.concat([mass.isel({coord: 0}).expand_dims(coord), ds_res.diff(dim=coord)], dim=coord)
# create a new interval index
interval_index: pd.Series = pd.Series(pd.IntervalIndex.from_arrays(
left=ds_res[coord].shift({coord: 1}).fillna(original_index.min().left).values, right=ds_res[coord].values,
closed='left'), name=coord)
ds_res[coord] = interval_index.values
ds_res = ds_res.sortby(variables=coord, ascending=False)
ds_res =
return ds_res
[docs]def mass_preserving_interp(df_intervals: pd.DataFrame, interval_edges: Union[Iterable, int],
include_original_edges: bool = True, precision: Optional[int] = None,
mass_wet: str = 'mass_wet', mass_dry: str = 'mass_dry') -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Interpolate with zero mass loss using pchip
The pchip interpolation cannot be used via the xr.Dataset.interp method directly due to an error.
This interpolates data_vars independently for a single dimension (coord) at a time.
The function will:
- convert from relative composition (%) to absolute (mass)
- convert the index from interval to a float representing the right edge of the interval
- cumsum to provide monotonic increasing data
- interpolate with a pchip spline to preserve mass
- diff to recover the original fractional data
- reconstruct the interval index from the right edges
- convert from absolute to relative composition
df_intervals: A pd.DataFrame with a single interval index, with mass, composition context.
interval_edges: The values of the new grid (interval edges). If an int, will up-sample by that factor, for
example the value of 10 will automatically define edges that create 10 x the resolution (up-sampled).
include_original_edges: If True include the original index edges in the result
precision: Number of decimal places to round the index (edge) values.
mass_wet: The wet mass column, not optional. Consider solve_mass_moisture prior to this call if needed.
mass_dry: The dry mass column, not optional. Consider solve_mass_moisture prior to this call if needed.
if not isinstance(df_intervals.index, pd.IntervalIndex):
raise NotImplementedError(f"The index `{df_intervals.index}` of the dataframe is not a pd.Interval. "
f" Only 1D interval indexes are valid")
composition_in: pd.DataFrame = df_intervals.copy()
if isinstance(interval_edges, int):
grid_vals = _upsample_grid_by_factor(indx=composition_in.sort_index().index, factor=interval_edges)
grid_vals = interval_edges
if precision is not None:
composition_in.index = pd.IntervalIndex.from_arrays(np.round(df_intervals.index.left, precision),
np.round(df_intervals.index.right, precision),
grid_vals = np.round(grid_vals, precision)
if include_original_edges:
original_edges = np.hstack([df_intervals.index.left, df_intervals.index.right])
grid_vals = np.sort(np.unique(np.hstack([grid_vals, original_edges])))
if not isinstance(grid_vals, np.ndarray):
grid_vals = np.array(grid_vals)
# convert from relative composition (%) to absolute (mass)
mass_in: pd.DataFrame = composition_to_mass(composition_in, mass_wet=mass_wet, mass_dry=mass_dry)
# convert the index from interval to a float representing the right edge of the interval
mass_in.index = mass_in.index.right
# add a row of zeros
mass_in = pd.concat([mass_in, pd.Series(0, index=mass_in.columns).to_frame().T], axis=0).sort_index(ascending=True)
# cumsum to provide monotonic increasing data
mass_cum: pd.DataFrame = mass_in.cumsum()
# if the new grid extrapolates (on the coarse side, mass will be lost, so we assume that when extrapolating.
# the mass in the extrapolated fractions is zero. By inserting these records the spline will conform.
x_extra = grid_vals[grid_vals > mass_cum.index.max()]
cum_max: pd.Series = mass_cum.iloc[-1, :]
mass_cum = mass_cum.reindex(index=mass_cum.index.append(pd.Index(x_extra))) # reindex to enable insert
mass_cum.loc[x_extra, :] = cum_max.values
# interpolate with a pchip spline to preserve mass
chunks = []
for col in mass_cum:
tmp = mass_cum[col].dropna() # drop any missing values
new_vals = pchip_interpolate(tmp.index.values, tmp.values, grid_vals)
mass_cum_upsampled: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame(chunks, index=mass_in.columns, columns=grid_vals).T
# diff to recover the original fractional data
mass_fractions_upsampled: pd.DataFrame = mass_cum_upsampled.diff().dropna(axis=0)
# reconstruct the interval index from the right edges
mass_fractions_upsampled.index = pd.IntervalIndex.from_arrays(left=[0] + list(mass_fractions_upsampled.index)[:-1],
# convert from absolute to relative composition
res = mass_to_composition(mass_fractions_upsampled, mass_wet=mass_wet, mass_dry=mass_dry).sort_index(
return res
def _upsample_grid_by_factor(indx: pd.IntervalIndex, factor):
# TODO: must be a better way than this - vectorised?
grid_vals: List = [indx.left.min()]
for interval in indx:
increment = (interval.right - interval.left) / factor
for i in range(0, factor):
grid_vals.append(interval.left + (i + 1) * increment)
return grid_vals