Go to the end to download the full example code.
Create Sample
The base object is a Sample, so let’s create one
import pandas as pd
from import sample_data
from elphick.geomet import Sample
Load Data
First, let’s load some toy data. For demonstration this toy data has mixed case column names.
df: pd.DataFrame = sample_data(include_moisture=False)
Create Sample
The Sample object has a data attribute that is a pandas DataFrame. Where column names are recognised as components the case is converted to the represent the chemical symbols.
sample: Sample = Sample(data=df, name='sample')
2025-01-23 13:28:37,537 - INFO - Elapsed time for data: 0:00:00.188143
2025-01-23 13:28:37,586 - INFO - Elapsed time for data: 0:00:00.001850
2025-01-23 13:28:37,591 - INFO - Elapsed time for data: 0:00:00.001613
The aggregate of the mass-composition is available via the aggregate property of the Sample object.
For aggregation/weight-average by a grouping variable we can use the weight_average method.
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.313 seconds)