Methods for converting volumetric data objects
REF: omfvista.volume - copied to facilitate loading selected columns/dataarrays
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
import numpy as np
import pyvista
from omf import VolumeElement
from omfvista.utilities import check_orientation
def get_volume_shape(vol):
"""Returns the shape of a gridded volume"""
return (len(vol.tensor_u), len(vol.tensor_v), len(vol.tensor_w))
def volume_grid_geom_to_vtk(volgridgeom, origin=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)):
"""Convert the 3D gridded volume to a :class:`pyvista.StructuredGrid`
(or a :class:`pyvista.RectilinearGrid` when apprropriate) object contatining
the 2D surface.
volgridgeom (:class:`omf.volume.VolumeGridGeometry`): the grid geometry
to convert
ox, oy, oz = volgridgeom.origin
# Make coordinates along each axis
x = ox + np.cumsum(volgridgeom.tensor_u)
x = np.insert(x, 0, ox)
y = oy + np.cumsum(volgridgeom.tensor_v)
y = np.insert(y, 0, oy)
z = oz + np.cumsum(volgridgeom.tensor_w)
z = np.insert(z, 0, oz)
# If axis orientations are standard then use a vtkRectilinearGrid
if check_orientation(volgridgeom.axis_u, volgridgeom.axis_v, volgridgeom.axis_w):
return pyvista.RectilinearGrid(x + origin[0], y + origin[1], z + origin[2])
# Otherwise use a vtkStructuredGrid
# Build out all nodes in the mesh
xx, yy, zz = np.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing="ij")
points = np.c_[xx.ravel("F"), yy.ravel("F"), zz.ravel("F")]
# Rotate the points based on the axis orientations
rotation_mtx = np.array([volgridgeom.axis_u, volgridgeom.axis_v, volgridgeom.axis_w])
points = points.dot(rotation_mtx)
output = pyvista.StructuredGrid()
output.points = points
output.dimensions = len(x), len(y), len(z)
output.points += np.array(origin)
return output
def volume_to_vtk(volelement: 'VolumeElement',
origin=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
columns: Optional[list[str]] = None):
"""Convert the volume element to a VTK data object.
volelement (:class:`omf.volume.VolumeElement`): The volume element to convert
origin: tuple(float), optional
columns: list[str], optional - Columns to load from the data arrays
output = volume_grid_geom_to_vtk(volelement.geometry, origin=origin)
shp = get_volume_shape(volelement.geometry)
# Add data to output
if columns is None:
for data in volelement.data:
arr = data.array.array
arr = np.reshape(arr, shp).flatten(order="F")
output[data.name] = arr
available_cols: defaultdict[str, int] = defaultdict(None, {d.name: i for i, d in enumerate(volelement.data)})
for col in columns:
col_index = available_cols.get(col)
if col_index is None:
raise ValueError(f"Column '{col}' not found in the volume element '{volelement.name}':"
f" Available columns: {list(available_cols.keys())}")
data = volelement.data[col_index]
arr = data.array.array
arr = np.reshape(arr, shp).flatten(order="F")
output[data.name] = arr
return output