from __future__ import annotations
import functools
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Literal, Callable, Union, Iterable, TYPE_CHECKING
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas import IntervalIndex
from pandas.core.indexes.frozen import FrozenList
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as px
from elphick.geomet.utils.amenability import amenability_index
from elphick.geomet.utils.interp import mass_preserving_interp
from elphick.geomet.utils.interp2 import mass_preserving_interp_2d
from elphick.geomet.utils.pandas import MeanIntervalIndex, weight_average, calculate_recovery, calculate_partition, \
cumulate, mass_to_composition
from elphick.geomet.utils.sampling import random_int
from elphick.geomet.base import MassComposition
from import Stream
class IntervalSample(MassComposition):
A class to represent a sample of data with an interval index.
This exposes methods to split the sample by a partition definition.
def __init__(self,
data: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
moisture_in_scope: bool = True,
mass_wet_var: Optional[str] = None,
mass_dry_var: Optional[str] = None,
moisture_var: Optional[str] = None,
component_vars: Optional[list[str]] = None,
composition_units: Literal['%', 'ppm', 'ppb'] = '%',
components_as_symbols: bool = True,
ranges: Optional[dict[str, list]] = None,
config_file: Optional[Path] = None):
super().__init__(data=data, name=name, moisture_in_scope=moisture_in_scope,
mass_wet_var=mass_wet_var, mass_dry_var=mass_dry_var,
moisture_var=moisture_var, component_vars=component_vars,
composition_units=composition_units, components_as_symbols=components_as_symbols,
ranges=ranges, config_file=config_file)
# manage the interval indexes
if is not None: = self._create_interval_indexes(data)
def _create_interval_indexes(self, data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
original_indexes = data.index.names
interval_indexes = []
for pair in self.config['intervals']['suffixes']:
if data.index.names != FrozenList([None]):
suffix_candidates: dict = {n: n.split('_')[-1].lower() for n in data.index.names}
suffixes: dict = {k: v for k, v in suffix_candidates.items() if v in pair}
if suffixes:
data.reset_index(list(suffixes.keys()), inplace=True)
num_interval_indexes: int = int(len(suffixes.keys()) / 2)
for i in range(0, num_interval_indexes + 1, 2):
keys = list(suffixes.keys())[i: i + 2]
base_name: str = '_'.join(keys[0].split('_')[:-1])
index = IntervalIndex.from_arrays(left=data[keys[0]], right=data[keys[1]],
closed=self.config['intervals']['closed']) = base_name
# left and right names are only preserved for a single interval index.
# when a multiindex is used, the names are not preserved. = keys[0].split('_')[-1] = keys[1].split('_')[-1]
# drop the index columns from the dataframe columns
data.drop(columns=keys, inplace=True)
if interval_indexes:
new_indexes = {} # Use dict to preserve order and uniqueness
# we need to set the index to include the new interval index, but respect the order of the original.
for i in original_indexes:
if i.split('_')[0] not in [ for ii in interval_indexes]:
new_indexes[i] = data.index.get_level_values(i)
# Find the corresponding interval index and append it to the new_indexes list
for ii in interval_indexes:
if == i.split('_')[0]:
new_indexes[] = ii
if len(new_indexes) > 1:
data.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(pd.DataFrame(new_indexes.values()).T, names=new_indexes.keys())
data.index = list(new_indexes.values())[0]
return data
def split_by_partition(self, partition_definition: Union[pd.Series, Callable], name_1: str = 'preferred',
name_2: str = 'complement'):
Split the sample into two samples based on the partition definition.
.. math::
K = \\frac{{m_{preferred}}}{{m_{feed}}}
:param partition_definition: A function that takes a data frame and returns a boolean series with a
range [0, 1]. A 1D function must have an argument that matches the dimension of the interval index.
A 2D function must have two arguments that match the dimensions of the interval index.
:param name_1: The name of the first sample.
:param name_2: The name of the second sample.
:return: A tuple of two IntervalSamples.
# Check that the partition definition has the correct number of arguments and that the names match
sample_fraction_dims = [col for col in self.mass_data.index.names if
col != isinstance(self.mass_data.index.get_level_values(col), pd.IntervalIndex)]
fraction_means: pd.DataFrame = self.mass_data.index.to_frame()[sample_fraction_dims].apply(
lambda x: MeanIntervalIndex(x).mean, axis=0)
# Get the function from the partial object if necessary
if isinstance(partition_definition, Callable):
partition_func = partition_definition.func if isinstance(partition_definition,
functools.partial) else partition_definition
# Check that the required argument names are present in the IntervalIndex levels
required_args = [col for col in partition_func.__code__.co_varnames if col in sample_fraction_dims]
pn: pd.Series = pd.Series(partition_definition(**fraction_means[required_args]), name='K',
elif isinstance(partition_definition, pd.Series):
required_args = partition_definition.index.names
pn: pd.Series = partition_definition
raise TypeError(f"The partition definition must be a function or a pandas Series:"
f" type = {type(partition_definition)}")
for arg, dim in zip(required_args, sample_fraction_dims):
if arg != dim:
raise ValueError(f"The partition definition argument name does not match the index name. "
f"Expected {dim}, found {arg}")
self: 'Stream'
sample_1 = self.create_congruent_object(name=name_1).to_stream()
sample_1.mass_data = self.mass_data.copy().multiply(pn, axis=0)
sample_1.set_nodes([self.nodes[1], random_int()])
sample_2 = self.create_congruent_object(name=name_2)
sample_2.mass_data = self.mass_data.copy().multiply((1 - pn), axis=0)
sample_2.set_nodes([self.nodes[1], random_int()])
return sample_1, sample_2
def is_2d_grid(self):
Check if the sample is a 2d grid.
:return: True if the sample has 2 levels of intervals, False otherwise.
res = False
if self.mass_data is not None and self.mass_data.index.nlevels >= 2:
# get the type of the index levels
level_types = [type(level) for level in self.mass_data.index.levels]
# get the counts of each type
level_counts = {level_type: level_types.count(level_type) for level_type in set(level_types)}
# check if there are 2 levels of intervals
res = level_counts.get(pd.Interval, 0) == 2
return res
def is_rectilinear_grid(self):
"""If rectilinear we can plot with a simple heatmap"""
res = False
if self.mass_data is not None and self._mass_data.index.nlevels >= 2:
# Get the midpoints of the intervals for X and Y
x_midpoints = self.mass_data.index.get_level_values(0).mid
y_midpoints = self.mass_data.index.get_level_values(1).mid
# Get unique midpoints for X and Y
unique_x_midpoints = set(x_midpoints)
unique_y_midpoints = set(y_midpoints)
# Check if the grid is full (i.e., no steps in the lines that define the grid edges)
# todo: fix this logic - it is not correct
if len(unique_x_midpoints) == len(x_midpoints) and len(unique_y_midpoints) == len(y_midpoints):
res = True
return res
def ideal_incremental_separation(self, discard_from: Literal["lowest", "highest"] = "lowest") -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Incrementally separate a fractionated sample.
This method sorts by the provided direction prior to incrementally removing and discarding the first fraction
(of the remaining fractions) and recalculating the mass-composition and recovery of the portion remaining.
This is equivalent to incrementally applying a perfect separation (partition) at every interval edge.
This method is only applicable to a 1D object where the single dimension is a pd.Interval type.
See also: ideal_incremental_composition, ideal_incremental_recovery.
discard_from: Defines the discarded direction. discard_from = "lowest" will discard the lowest value
first, then the next lowest, etc.
A pandas DataFrame
sample: pd.DataFrame =
is_decreasing: bool = sample.index.is_monotonic_decreasing
if discard_from == "lowest":
sample.sort_index(ascending=True, inplace=True)
new_index: pd.Index = pd.Index(sample.index.left)
sample.sort_index(ascending=False, inplace=True)
new_index: pd.Index = pd.Index(sample.index.right) = f"{}_cut-point"
aggregated_chunks: list = []
recovery_chunks: list = []
head: pd.Series = sample.pipe(weight_average)
for i, indx in enumerate(sample.index):
tmp_composition: pd.DataFrame = sample.iloc[i:, :].pipe(weight_average).to_frame().T
recovery_chunks.append(tmp_composition.pipe(calculate_recovery, df_ref=head.to_frame().T))
res_composition: pd.DataFrame = pd.concat(aggregated_chunks).assign(attribute="composition").set_index(
res_recovery: pd.DataFrame = pd.concat(recovery_chunks).assign(attribute="recovery").set_index(
if is_decreasing:
res_composition.sort_index(ascending=False, inplace=True)
res_recovery.sort_index(ascending=False, inplace=True)
res: pd.DataFrame = pd.concat([res_composition, res_recovery]).reset_index().set_index(
[, 'attribute'])
return res
def _check_one_dim_interval(self):
if len(self.mass_data.index.names) != 1:
raise NotImplementedError(f"This object is {self.mass_data.index.ndim} dimensional. "
f"Only 1D interval objects are valid")
index_var: str =
if not isinstance(self.mass_data.index, pd.IntervalIndex):
raise NotImplementedError(f"The {index_var} of this object is not a pd.Interval. "
f" Only 1D interval objects are valid")
def _check_two_dim_interval(self):
if len(self.mass_data.index.names) != 2:
raise NotImplementedError(f"This object is {self.mass_data.index.ndim} dimensional. "
f"Only 2D interval objects are valid")
for indx in self.mass_data.index.levels:
if not isinstance(indx, pd.IntervalIndex):
raise NotImplementedError(f"The {} of this object is not a pd.Interval. "
f" Only 1D interval objects are valid")
def ideal_incremental_composition(self, discard_from: Literal["lowest", "highest"] = "lowest") -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Incrementally separate a fractionated sample.
This method sorts by the provided direction prior to incrementally removing and discarding the first fraction
(of the remaining fractions) and recalculating the mass-composition of the portion remaining.
This is equivalent to incrementally applying a perfect separation (partition) at every interval edge.
This method is only applicable to a 1D object where the single dimension is a pd.Interval type.
See also: ideal_incremental_separation, ideal_incremental_recovery.
discard_from: Defines the discarded direction. discard_from = "lowest" will discard the lowest value
first, then the next lowest, etc.
A pandas DataFrame
df: pd.DataFrame = self.ideal_incremental_separation(discard_from=discard_from).query(
return df
def ideal_incremental_recovery(self, discard_from: Literal["lowest", "highest"] = "lowest",
apply_closure: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Incrementally separate a fractionated sample.
This method sorts by the provided direction prior to incrementally removing and discarding the first fraction
(of the remaining fractions) and recalculating the recovery of the portion remaining.
This is equivalent to incrementally applying a perfect separation (partition) at every interval edge.
This method is only applicable to a 1D object where the single dimension is a pd.Interval type.
See also: ideal_incremental_separation, ideal_incremental_composition.
discard_from: Defines the discarded direction. discard_from = "lowest" will discard the lowest value
first, then the next lowest, etc.
apply_closure: If True, Add the missing record (zero recovery) that closes the recovery envelope.
A pandas DataFrame
columns_to_drop: list[str] = ['mass_wet', 'H2O'] if self.moisture_in_scope else []
df: pd.DataFrame = self.ideal_incremental_separation(discard_from=discard_from).query(
'attribute=="recovery"').droplevel('attribute').rename(columns={'mass_dry': 'mass'}).drop(
if apply_closure:
# add zero recovery record to close the envelope.
indx = np.inf if df.index.min() == 0.0 else 0.0
indx_name: str =
df = pd.concat([df, pd.Series(0, index=df.columns, name=indx).to_frame().T]).sort_index(ascending=True) = indx_name
return df
def plot_heatmap(self, components: list[str], **kwargs):
Plot the sample as a heatmap.
:param components: The list of components to plot.
:param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the plot method.
:return: The axis with the plot.
# if not self.is_rectilinear_grid:
# raise ValueError('The sample is not a rectilinear grid.')
# convert IntervalIndex to nominal values df.index = x: x.mid)
x_label = self.mass_data.index.names[0]
y_label = self.mass_data.index.names[1]
z_label = self.mass_data.columns[0]
# create a pivot table for the heatmap
pivot_df = self.mass_data[components].copy().unstack()
# Get the midpoints of the intervals for X and Y
x_midpoints = [interval.mid for interval in self.mass_data.index.get_level_values(x_label)]
y_midpoints = [interval.mid for interval in self.mass_data.index.get_level_values(y_label)]
# Get interval edges for x and y axes
x_edges = self._get_unique_edges(self.mass_data.index.get_level_values(x_label))
y_edges = self._get_unique_edges(self.mass_data.index.get_level_values(y_label))
# Create hover text
hover_text = [[f"{x_label}: {x_mid}, {y_label}: {y_mid}, {z_label}: {z_val}"
for x_mid, z_val in zip(x_midpoints, z_values)]
for y_mid, z_values in zip(y_midpoints, pivot_df.values)]
# plot the heatmap
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Heatmap(
# update the layout to use logarithmic x-axis
if x_label == 'size':
elif y_label == 'size':
# set the title and x and y labels dynamically
fig.update_layout(title=f'{} Heatmap',
return fig
def plot_intervals(self,
variables: list[str],
cumulative: bool = True,
direction: str = 'descending',
show_edges: bool = True,
min_x: Optional[float] = None) -> go.Figure:
"""Plot "The Grade-Tonnage" curve.
Mass and grade by bins for a cut-off variable.
variables: List of variables to include in the plot
cumulative: If True, the results are cumulative weight averaged.
direction: 'ascending'|'descending', if cumulative is True, the direction of accumulation
show_edges: If True, show the edges on the plot. Applicable to cumulative plots only.
min_x: Optional minimum value for the x-axis, useful to set reasonable visual range with a log
scaled x-axis when plotting size data
res: pd.DataFrame =[variables]
plot_kwargs: dict = dict(line_shape='vh')
if cumulative:
res = self.mass_data.pipe(cumulate, direction=direction).pipe(mass_to_composition)
plot_kwargs = dict(line_shape='spline')
interval_data: pd.DataFrame = res
# Get the first IntervalIndex - TODO: specify or check...
interval_index: Optional[pd.IntervalIndex] = None
for level in range(interval_data.index.nlevels):
if isinstance(interval_data.index.get_level_values(level), pd.IntervalIndex):
interval_index = interval_data.index.get_level_values(level)
if interval_index is None:
raise ValueError("No IntervalIndex found in the index levels")
left_name: str = if else 'left'
right_name: str = if else 'right'
left: pd.Series = pd.Series(interval_index.left, name=left_name, index=interval_index)
right: pd.Series = pd.Series(interval_index.right, name=right_name, index=interval_index)
df_intervals = pd.concat([left, right, interval_data], axis='columns')
x_var: str =
if not cumulative:
# append on the largest fraction right edge for display purposes
is_ascending: bool = interval_index.is_monotonic_increasing
df_end: pd.DataFrame = df_intervals.loc[df_intervals.index.max(), :].to_frame().T
df_end[left_name] = df_end[right_name]
df_end[right_name] = np.inf
df = pd.concat([df_end.reset_index(drop=True), df_intervals], axis='index')
df[] = df[left_name]
df = df.sort_values(, ascending=is_ascending)
if direction == 'ascending':
x_var = right_name
elif direction == 'descending':
x_var = left_name
df = df_intervals
if == 'size':
if not min_x:
min_x = interval_data.index.min().right / 2.0
# set zero to the minimum x value (for display only) to enable the tooltips on that point.
df.loc[df[x_var] == df[x_var].min(), x_var] = min_x
hover_data = {'component': True, # add other column, default formatting
x_var: ':.3f', # add other column, customized formatting
'value': ':.2f'
plot_kwargs = {**plot_kwargs,
range_x=[min_x, interval_data.index.max().right],
df = df[[x_var] + variables].melt(id_vars=[x_var], var_name='component')
if cumulative and show_edges:
plot_kwargs['markers'] = True
fig = px.line(df, x=x_var, y='value', facet_row='component', **plot_kwargs)
fig.for_each_annotation(lambda a: a.update(text=a.text.replace("component=", "")))
return fig
def _get_unique_edges(interval_index):
# Get the left and right edges of the intervals
left_edges = interval_index.left.tolist()
right_edges = interval_index.right.tolist()
# Concatenate the two lists
all_edges = left_edges + right_edges
# Get the unique edges
unique_edges = np.unique(all_edges)
return unique_edges
def plot_grade_recovery(self, target_analyte,
discard_from: Literal["lowest", "highest"] = "lowest",
title: Optional[str] = None,
) -> go.Figure:
"""The grade-recovery plot.
The grade recovery curve is generated by assuming an ideal separation (for the chosen property, or dimension)
at each fractional interval. It defines the theoretical maximum performance, which can only be improved if
liberation is improved by comminution.
This method is only applicable to a 1D object where the single dimension is a pd.Interval type.
target_analyte: The analyte of value.
discard_from: Defines the discarded direction. discard_from = "lowest" will discard the lowest value
first, then the next lowest, etc.
title: Optional plot title
A plotly.GraphObjects figure
title = title if title is not None else 'Ideal Grade - Recovery'
cols_to_drop: list[str] = ['mass_wet', 'mass_dry', 'H2O'] if self.moisture_in_scope else ['mass_dry']
df: pd.DataFrame = self.ideal_incremental_separation(discard_from=discard_from)
df_recovery: pd.DataFrame = df.loc[(slice(None), 'recovery'), [target_analyte, 'mass_dry']].droplevel(
columns={'mass_dry': 'Yield', target_analyte: f"{target_analyte}_recovery"})
df_composition: pd.DataFrame = df.loc[(slice(None), 'composition'), :].droplevel('attribute').drop(
df_plot: pd.DataFrame = pd.concat([df_recovery, df_composition], axis=1).reset_index()
fig = px.line(df_plot, x=target_analyte,
# fig.update_layout(xaxis_title=f"Grade of {target_analyte}", yaxis_title=f"Recovery of {target_analyte}",
# title=title)
return fig
def plot_amenability(self, target_analyte: str,
discard_from: Literal["lowest", "highest"] = "lowest",
gangue_analytes: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[str] = None,
) -> go.Figure:
"""The yield-recovery plot.
The yield recovery curve provides an understanding of the amenability of a sample.
This method is only applicable to a 1D object where the single dimension is a pd.Interval type.
target_analyte: The analyte of value.
discard_from: Defines the discarded direction. discard_from = "lowest" will discard the lowest value
first, then the next lowest, etc.
gangue_analytes: The analytes to be rejected
title: Optional plot title
A plotly.GraphObjects figure
title = title if title is not None else 'Amenability Plot'
df: pd.DataFrame = self.ideal_incremental_recovery(discard_from=discard_from)
amenability_indices: pd.Series = amenability_index(df, col_target=target_analyte, col_mass_recovery='mass')
analytes = [col for col in df.columns if col != "mass"] if gangue_analytes is None else [
target_analyte + gangue_analytes]
mass_rec: pd.DataFrame = df["mass"]
df = df[analytes]
fig = go.Figure()
for analyte in analytes:
go.Scatter(x=mass_rec, y=df[analyte], mode="lines",
name=f"{analyte} ({round(amenability_indices[analyte], 2)})",
hovertemplate='<b>Recovery: %{y:.3f}</b><br>Cut-point: %{customdata:.3f} '))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=[0, 1], y=[0, 1], mode="lines", name='y=x',
line=dict(shape='linear', color='gray', dash='dash'),
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title='Yield (Mass Recovery)', yaxis_title='Recovery', title=title,
return fig
def calculate_partition(self, preferred: 'MassComposition') -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Calculate the partition number (K) [0, 1] of the preferred stream relative to self
.. math::
K = \\frac{{m_{preferred}}}{{m_{feed}}}
return calculate_partition(,,
def resample_1d(self, interval_edges: Union[Iterable, int],
precision: Optional[int] = None,
include_original_edges: bool = False) -> 'IntervalSample':
"""Resample a 1D fractional dim/index
interval_edges: The values of the new grid (interval edges). If an int, will up-sample by that factor, for
example the value of 10 will automatically define edges that create 10 x the resolution (up-sampled).
precision: Optional integer for the number of decimal places to round the grid values to.
include_original_edges: If True include the original edges in the grid.
A new IntervalSample object interpolated onto the new grid
# TODO: add support for supplementary variables
# test the index contains a single interval index
df_upsampled: pd.DataFrame = mass_preserving_interp(self.mass_data,
interval_edges=interval_edges, precision=precision,
obj: IntervalSample = IntervalSample(df_upsampled,, moisture_in_scope=False,
obj.status.ranges = self.status.ranges
return obj
def resample_2d(self, interval_edges: dict[str, Iterable],
precision: Optional[int] = None) -> 'IntervalSample':
"""Resample a 2D fractional dim/index
interval_edges: A dict keyed by index name containing the grid the data is resampled to.
precision: Optional integer for the number of decimal places to round the grid values to.
A new IntervalSample object interpolated onto the new grid
# TODO: add support for supplementary variables
# test the index contains a single interval index
df_upsampled_specific_mass: pd.DataFrame = mass_preserving_interp_2d(self._specific_mass(),
# convert from specific mass to mass
df_upsampled = df_upsampled_specific_mass.mul(self.mass_data[self.mass_dry_var].sum(), axis=0)
df_upsampled[self.composition_columns] = df_upsampled[self.composition_columns].div(
df_upsampled[self.mass_dry_var], axis=0).mul(self.composition_factor, axis=0)
obj: IntervalSample = IntervalSample(df_upsampled,, moisture_in_scope=False,
if hasattr(obj, 'nodes'):
obj.nodes = self.nodes
obj.status.ranges = self.status.ranges
return obj
def _specific_mass(self) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]:
"""Calculate the specific mass of the sample
Specific mass is the mass of the sample fractions divided by the mass of all fractions.
The sum of the specific mass (for mass_dry) is 1.0 by definition.
res = None
if is not None:
res = self.mass_data.div(self.mass_data[self.mass_dry_var].sum(), axis=0)
if self.moisture_in_scope:
res.drop(columns=[self.mass_wet_var], inplace=True)
return res