Source code for elphick.geomet.flowsheet.flowsheet

import copy
import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING

import matplotlib
import as cm
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import seaborn as sns
import yaml
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, LinearSegmentedColormap
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots

from elphick.geomet import Sample
from elphick.geomet.base import MC
from elphick.geomet.config.config_read import get_column_config
from elphick.geomet.flowsheet.operation import NodeType, OP
from elphick.geomet.plot import parallel_plot, comparison_plot
from elphick.geomet.utils.layout import digraph_linear_layout
from elphick.geomet.flowsheet.loader import streams_from_dataframe
from elphick.geomet.utils.sampling import random_int

    from import Stream

# generic type variable, used for type hinting that play nicely with subclasses
FS = TypeVar('FS', bound='Flowsheet')

[docs] class Flowsheet:
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str = 'Flowsheet'): str = name self.graph: nx.DiGraph = nx.DiGraph() self._logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__class__.__name__)
@property def balanced(self) -> bool: bal_vals: List = [self.graph.nodes[n]['mc'].is_balanced for n in self.graph.nodes] bal_vals = [bv for bv in bal_vals if bv is not None] return all(bal_vals)
[docs] @classmethod def from_objects(cls, objects: list[MC], name: Optional[str] = 'Flowsheet') -> FS: """Instantiate from a list of objects This method is only suitable for objects that have the `_nodes` property set, such as objects that have been created from math operations, which preserve relationships between objects (via the nodes property) Args: objects: List of MassComposition objects, such as Sample, IntervalSample, Stream or BlockModel name: name of the flowsheet/network Returns: """ from elphick.geomet.flowsheet.operation import Operation cls._check_indexes(objects) bunch_of_edges: list = [] for stream in objects: if stream.nodes is None: raise KeyError(f'Stream {} does not have the node property set') nodes = stream.nodes # add the objects to the edges bunch_of_edges.append((nodes[0], nodes[1], {'mc': stream, 'name':})) graph = nx.DiGraph(name=name) graph.add_edges_from(bunch_of_edges) operation_objects: dict = {} for node in graph.nodes: operation_objects[node] = Operation(name=node) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, operation_objects, 'mc') for node in graph.nodes: operation_objects[node].inputs = [graph.get_edge_data(e[0], e[1])['mc'] for e in graph.in_edges(node)] operation_objects[node].outputs = [graph.get_edge_data(e[0], e[1])['mc'] for e in graph.out_edges(node)] graph = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(graph) # update the temporary nodes on the mc object property to match the renumbered integers for node1, node2, data in graph.edges(data=True): data['mc'].nodes = [node1, node2] # update the node names after renumbering for node in graph.nodes: graph.nodes[node]['mc'].name = str(node) obj = cls() obj.graph = graph return obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, df: pd.DataFrame, name: Optional[str] = 'Flowsheet', mc_name_col: Optional[str] = None, n_jobs: int = 1) -> FS: """Instantiate from a DataFrame Args: df: The DataFrame name: name of the network mc_name_col: The column specified contains the names of objects to create. If None the DataFrame is assumed to be wide and the mc objects will be extracted from column prefixes. n_jobs: The number of parallel jobs to run. If -1, will use all available cores. Returns: Flowsheet: An instance of the Flowsheet class initialized from the provided DataFrame. """ streams: list[Sample] = streams_from_dataframe(df=df, mc_name_col=mc_name_col, n_jobs=n_jobs) return cls().from_objects(objects=streams, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, config: dict) -> FS: """Create a flowsheet from a dictionary Args: config: dictionary containing the flowsheet configuration Returns: A Flowsheet object with no data on the edges """ from elphick.geomet.flowsheet.operation import Operation if 'FLOWSHEET' not in config: raise ValueError("Dictionary does not contain 'FLOWSHEET' root node") flowsheet_config = config['FLOWSHEET'] # create the Stream objects bunch_of_edges: list = [] for stream, stream_config in flowsheet_config['streams'].items(): bunch_of_edges.append( (stream_config['node_in'], stream_config['node_out'], {'mc': None, 'name': stream_config['name']})) graph = nx.DiGraph(name=flowsheet_config['flowsheet']['name']) graph.add_edges_from(bunch_of_edges) operation_objects: dict = {} for node in graph.nodes: operation_objects[node] = Operation(name=node) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, operation_objects, 'mc') graph = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(graph) obj = cls() obj.graph = graph return obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, file_path: Path) -> FS: """Create a flowsheet from yaml Args: file_path: path to the yaml file Returns: A Flowsheet object with no data on the edges """ with open(file_path, 'r') as file: config = yaml.safe_load(file) return cls.from_dict(config)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, file_path: Path) -> FS: """Create a flowsheet from json Args: file_path: path to the json file Returns: A Flowsheet object with no data on the edges """ with open(file_path, 'r') as file: config = json.load(file) return cls.from_dict(config)
[docs] def copy_without_stream_data(self): """Copy without stream data""" new_flowsheet = Flowsheet( new_graph = nx.DiGraph() # Copy nodes with Operation objects for node, data in self.graph.nodes(data=True): new_data = data.copy() new_graph.add_node(node, **new_data) # Copy edges with mc attribute set to None for u, v, data in self.graph.edges(data=True): new_data = {k: (None if k == 'mc' else copy.deepcopy(v)) for k, v in data.items()} new_graph.add_edge(u, v, **new_data) new_flowsheet.graph = new_graph return new_flowsheet
[docs] def solve(self): """Solve missing streams""" # Check the number of missing mc's on edges in the network missing_count: int = sum([1 for u, v, d in self.graph.edges(data=True) if d['mc'] is None]) prev_missing_count = missing_count + 1 # Initialize with a value greater than missing_count while 0 < missing_count < prev_missing_count: prev_missing_count = missing_count for node in self.graph.nodes: if self.graph.nodes[node]['mc'].node_type == NodeType.BALANCE: if self.graph.nodes[node]['mc'].has_empty_input: mc: MC = self.graph.nodes[node]['mc'].solve() # copy the solved object to the empty input edges for predecessor in self.graph.predecessors(node): edge_data = self.graph.get_edge_data(predecessor, node) if edge_data and edge_data['mc'] is None: edge_data['mc'] = mc edge_data['mc'].name = edge_data['name'] if self.graph.nodes[node]['mc'].has_empty_output: mc: MC = self.graph.nodes[node]['mc'].solve() # copy the solved object to the empty output edges for successor in self.graph.successors(node): edge_data = self.graph.get_edge_data(node, successor) if edge_data and edge_data['mc'] is None: edge_data['mc'] = mc edge_data['mc'].name = edge_data['name'] missing_count: int = sum([1 for u, v, d in self.graph.edges(data=True) if d['mc'] is None])
[docs] def query(self, expr: str, stream_name: Optional[str] = None, inplace=False) -> 'Flowsheet': """Reduce the Flowsheet Stream records with a query Args: expr: The query string to apply to all streams. The query is applied in place. The LHS of the expression requires a prefix that defines the stream name e.g. stream_name.var_name > 0.5 stream_name: The name of the stream to apply the query to. If None, the query is applied to the first input stream. inplace: If True, apply the query in place on the same object, otherwise return a new instance. Returns: A Flowsheet object where the stream records conform to the query """ if stream_name is None: input_stream: MC = self.get_input_streams()[0] else: input_stream: MC = self.get_edge_by_name(name=stream_name) filtered_index: pd.Index = return self._filter(filtered_index, inplace)
[docs] def filter_by_index(self, index: pd.Index, inplace: bool = False) -> 'Flowsheet': """Filter the Flowsheet Stream records by a given index. Args: index: The index to filter the data. inplace: If True, apply the filter in place on the same object, otherwise return a new instance. Returns: A Flowsheet object where the stream records are filtered by the given index. """ return self._filter(index, inplace)
def _filter(self, index: pd.Index, inplace: bool = False) -> 'Flowsheet': """Private method to filter the Flowsheet Stream records by a given index. Args: index: The index to filter the data. inplace: If True, apply the filter in place on the same object, otherwise return a new instance. Returns: A Flowsheet object where the stream records are filtered by the given index. """ if inplace: for u, v, d in self.graph.edges(data=True): if d.get('mc') is not None: d.get('mc').filter_by_index(index) return self else: obj: Flowsheet = self.copy_without_stream_data() for u, v, d in self.graph.edges(data=True): if d.get('mc') is not None: mc: MC = d.get('mc') mc_new = mc.__class__( # Copy each attribute for attr, value in mc.__dict__.items(): if attr in ['_mass_data', '_supplementary_data'] and value is not None: value = value.loc[index] setattr(mc_new, attr, copy.deepcopy(value)) mc_new.aggregate = mc_new.weight_average() obj.graph[u][v]['mc'] = mc_new return obj
[docs] def get_input_streams(self) -> list[MC]: """Get the input (feed) streams (edge objects) Returns: List of MassComposition-like objects """ # Create a dictionary that maps node names to their degrees degrees = {n: d for n, d in} res: list[MC] = [d['mc'] for u, v, d in self.graph.edges(data=True) if degrees[u] == 1] return res
[docs] def get_output_streams(self) -> list[MC]: """Get the output (product) streams (edge objects) Returns: List of MassComposition-like objects """ # Create a dictionary that maps node names to their degrees degrees = {n: d for n, d in} res: list[MC] = [d['mc'] for u, v, d in self.graph.edges(data=True) if degrees[v] == 1] return res
@staticmethod def _check_indexes(streams): list_of_indexes = [s._mass_data.index for s in streams] types_of_indexes = [type(i) for i in list_of_indexes] # check the index types are consistent if len(set(types_of_indexes)) != 1: raise KeyError("stream index types are not consistent")
[docs] def plot(self, orientation: str = 'horizontal') -> plt.Figure: """Plot the network with matplotlib Args: orientation: 'horizontal'|'vertical' network layout Returns: """ hf, ax = plt.subplots() # pos = nx.spring_layout(self, seed=1234) pos = digraph_linear_layout(self.graph, orientation=orientation) edge_labels: Dict = {} edge_colors: List = [] node_colors: List = [] for node1, node2, data in self.graph.edges(data=True): edge_labels[(node1, node2)] = data['mc'].name if data['mc'] is not None else data['name'] if data['mc'] and data['mc'].status.ok: edge_colors.append('gray') else: edge_colors.append('red') for n in self.graph.nodes: if self.graph.nodes[n]['mc'].node_type == NodeType.BALANCE: if self.graph.nodes[n]['mc'].is_balanced: node_colors.append('green') else: node_colors.append('red') else: node_colors.append('gray') nx.draw(self.graph, pos=pos, ax=ax, with_labels=True, font_weight='bold', node_color=node_colors, edge_color=edge_colors) nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(self.graph, pos=pos, ax=ax, edge_labels=edge_labels, font_color='black') ax.set_title(self._plot_title(html=False), fontsize=10) return hf
def _plot_title(self, html: bool = True, compact: bool = False): title = # title = f"{}<br><br><sup>Balanced: {self.balanced}<br>Edge Status OK: {self.edge_status[0]}</sup>" # if compact: # title = title.replace("<br><br>", "<br>").replace("<br>Edge", ", Edge") # if not self.edge_status[0]: # title = title.replace("</sup>", "") + f", {self.edge_status[1]}</sup>" # if not html: # title = title.replace('<br><br>', '\n').replace('<br>', '\n').replace('<sup>', '').replace('</sup>', '') return title
[docs] def report(self, apply_formats: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Summary Report Total Mass and weight averaged composition Returns: """ chunks: List[pd.DataFrame] = [] for n, nbrs in self.graph.adj.items(): for nbr, eattr in nbrs.items(): if eattr['mc'] is None or eattr['mc'].data.empty: edge_name: str = eattr['mc']['name'] if eattr['mc'] is not None else eattr['name'] raise KeyError(f"Cannot generate report on empty dataset: {edge_name}") chunks.append(eattr['mc'].aggregate.assign(name=eattr['mc'].name)) rpt: pd.DataFrame = pd.concat(chunks, axis='index').set_index('name') if apply_formats: fmts: Dict = self._get_column_formats(rpt.columns) for k, v in fmts.items(): rpt[k] = rpt[k].apply((v.replace('%', '{:,') + '}').format) return rpt
def _get_column_formats(self, columns: List[str], strip_percent: bool = False) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Args: columns: The columns to lookup format strings for strip_percent: If True remove the leading % symbol from the format (for plotly tables) Returns: """ strm = self.get_input_streams()[0] d_format: dict = get_column_config(config_dict=strm.config, var_map=strm.variable_map, config_key='format') if strip_percent: d_format = {k: v.strip('%') for k, v in d_format.items()} return d_format
[docs] def plot_balance(self, facet_col_wrap: int = 3, color: Optional[str] = 'node') -> go.Figure: """Plot input versus output across all nodes in the network Args: facet_col_wrap: the number of subplots per row before wrapping color: The optional variable to color by. If None color will be by Node Returns: """ # prepare the data chunks_in: List = [] chunks_out: List = [] for n in self.graph.nodes: if self.graph.nodes[n]['mc'].node_type == NodeType.BALANCE: chunks_in.append(self.graph.nodes[n]['mc'].add('in').assign(**{'direction': 'in', 'node': n})) chunks_out.append(self.graph.nodes[n]['mc'].add('out').assign(**{'direction': 'out', 'node': n})) df_in: pd.DataFrame = pd.concat(chunks_in) index_names = ['direction', 'node'] + df_in.index.names df_in = df_in.reset_index().melt(id_vars=index_names) df_out: pd.DataFrame = pd.concat(chunks_out).reset_index().melt(id_vars=index_names) df_plot: pd.DataFrame = pd.concat([df_in, df_out]) df_plot = df_plot.set_index(index_names + ['variable'], append=True).unstack(['direction']) df_plot.columns = df_plot.columns.droplevel(0) df_plot.reset_index(level=list(np.arange(-1, -len(index_names) - 1, -1)), inplace=True) df_plot['node'] = pd.Categorical(df_plot['node']) # plot fig = comparison_plot(data=df_plot, x='in', y='out', facet_col_wrap=facet_col_wrap, color=color) return fig
[docs] def plot_network(self, orientation: str = 'horizontal') -> go.Figure: """Plot the network with plotly Args: orientation: 'horizontal'|'vertical' network layout Returns: """ # pos = nx.spring_layout(self, seed=1234) pos = digraph_linear_layout(self.graph, orientation=orientation) edge_traces, node_trace, edge_annotation_trace = self._get_scatter_node_edges(pos) title = self._plot_title() fig = go.Figure(data=[*edge_traces, node_trace, edge_annotation_trace], layout=go.Layout( title=title, titlefont_size=16, showlegend=False, hovermode='closest', margin=dict(b=20, l=5, r=5, t=40), xaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False), yaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False), paper_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)' ), ) # for k, d_args in edge_annotations.items(): # fig.add_annotation(x=d_args['pos'][0], y=d_args['pos'][1], text=k, textangle=d_args['angle']) return fig
[docs] def plot_sankey(self, width_var: str = 'mass_dry', color_var: Optional[str] = None, edge_colormap: Optional[str] = 'copper_r', vmin: Optional[float] = None, vmax: Optional[float] = None, ) -> go.Figure: """Plot the Network as a sankey Args: width_var: The variable that determines the sankey width color_var: The optional variable that determines the sankey edge color edge_colormap: The optional colormap. Used with color_var. vmin: The value that maps to the minimum color vmax: The value that maps to the maximum color Returns: """ # Create a mapping of node names to indices, and the integer nodes node_indices = {node: index for index, node in enumerate(self.graph.nodes)} int_graph = nx.relabel_nodes(self.graph, node_indices) # Generate the sankey diagram arguments using the new graph with integer nodes d_sankey = self._generate_sankey_args(int_graph, color_var, edge_colormap, width_var, vmin, vmax) # Create the sankey diagram node, link = self._get_sankey_node_link_dicts(d_sankey) fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Sankey(node=node, link=link)]) title = self._plot_title() fig.update_layout(title_text=title, font_size=10) return fig
[docs] def table_plot(self, plot_type: str = 'sankey', cols_exclude: Optional[List] = None, table_pos: str = 'left', table_area: float = 0.4, table_header_color: str = 'cornflowerblue', table_odd_color: str = 'whitesmoke', table_even_color: str = 'lightgray', sankey_width_var: str = 'mass_dry', sankey_color_var: Optional[str] = None, sankey_edge_colormap: Optional[str] = 'copper_r', sankey_vmin: Optional[float] = None, sankey_vmax: Optional[float] = None, network_orientation: Optional[str] = 'horizontal' ) -> go.Figure: """Plot with table of edge averages Args: plot_type: The type of plot ['sankey', 'network'] cols_exclude: List of columns to exclude from the table table_pos: Position of the table ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'] table_area: The proportion of width or height to allocate to the table [0, 1] table_header_color: Color of the table header table_odd_color: Color of the odd table rows table_even_color: Color of the even table rows sankey_width_var: If plot_type is sankey, the variable that determines the sankey width sankey_color_var: If plot_type is sankey, the optional variable that determines the sankey edge color sankey_edge_colormap: If plot_type is sankey, the optional colormap. Used with sankey_color_var. sankey_vmin: The value that maps to the minimum color sankey_vmax: The value that maps to the maximum color network_orientation: The orientation of the network layout 'vertical'|'horizontal' Returns: """ valid_plot_types: List[str] = ['sankey', 'network'] if plot_type not in valid_plot_types: raise ValueError(f'The supplied plot_type is not in {valid_plot_types}') valid_table_pos: List[str] = ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'] if table_pos not in valid_table_pos: raise ValueError(f'The supplied table_pos is not in {valid_table_pos}') d_subplot, d_table, d_plot = self._get_position_kwargs(table_pos, table_area, plot_type) fig = make_subplots(**d_subplot, print_grid=False) df: pd.DataFrame = if cols_exclude: df = df[[col for col in df.columns if col not in cols_exclude]] fmt: List[str] = ['%s'] + list(self._get_column_formats(df.columns, strip_percent=True).values()) column_widths = [2] + [1] * (len(df.columns) - 1) fig.add_table( header=dict(values=list(df.columns), fill_color=table_header_color, align='center', font=dict(color='black', size=12)), columnwidth=column_widths, cells=dict(values=df.transpose().values.tolist(), align='left', format=fmt, fill_color=[ [table_odd_color if i % 2 == 0 else table_even_color for i in range(len(df))] * len( df.columns)]), **d_table) if plot_type == 'sankey': # Create a mapping of node names to indices, and the integer nodes node_indices = {node: index for index, node in enumerate(self.graph.nodes)} int_graph = nx.relabel_nodes(self.graph, node_indices) # Generate the sankey diagram arguments using the new graph with integer nodes d_sankey = self._generate_sankey_args(int_graph, sankey_color_var, sankey_edge_colormap, sankey_width_var, sankey_vmin, sankey_vmax) node, link = self._get_sankey_node_link_dicts(d_sankey) fig.add_trace(go.Sankey(node=node, link=link), **d_plot) elif plot_type == 'network': # pos = nx.spring_layout(self, seed=1234) pos = digraph_linear_layout(self.graph, orientation=network_orientation) edge_traces, node_trace, edge_annotation_trace = self._get_scatter_node_edges(pos) fig.add_traces(data=[*edge_traces, node_trace, edge_annotation_trace], **d_plot) fig.update_layout(showlegend=False, hovermode='closest', xaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False), yaxis=dict(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False), paper_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)' ) title = self._plot_title(compact=True) fig.update_layout(title_text=title, font_size=12) return fig
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, stream_names: Optional[list[str]] = None): """Return a tidy dataframe Adds the mc name to the index so indexes are unique. Args: stream_names: Optional List of names of Stream/MassComposition objects (network edges) for export Returns: """ chunks: List[pd.DataFrame] = [] for u, v, data in self.graph.edges(data=True): if (stream_names is None) or ((stream_names is not None) and (data['mc'].name in stream_names)): chunks.append(data['mc'].data.assign(name=data['mc'].name)) return pd.concat(chunks, axis='index').set_index('name', append=True)
[docs] def plot_parallel(self, names: Optional[str] = None, color: Optional[str] = None, vars_include: Optional[List[str]] = None, vars_exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, include_dims: Optional[Union[bool, List[str]]] = True, plot_interval_edges: bool = False) -> go.Figure: """Create an interactive parallel plot Useful to explore multidimensional data like mass-composition data Args: names: Optional List of Names to plot color: Optional color variable vars_include: Optional List of variables to include in the plot vars_exclude: Optional List of variables to exclude in the plot title: Optional plot title include_dims: Optional boolean or list of dimension to include in the plot. True will show all dims. plot_interval_edges: If True, interval edges will be plotted instead of interval mid Returns: """ df: pd.DataFrame = self.to_dataframe(stream_names=names) if not title and hasattr(self, 'name'): title = fig = parallel_plot(data=df, color=color, vars_include=vars_include, vars_exclude=vars_exclude, title=title, include_dims=include_dims, plot_interval_edges=plot_interval_edges) return fig
def _generate_sankey_args(self, int_graph, color_var, edge_colormap, width_var, v_min, v_max): rpt: pd.DataFrame = if color_var is not None: cmap = sns.color_palette(edge_colormap, as_cmap=True) rpt: pd.DataFrame = if not v_min: v_min = np.floor(rpt[color_var].min()) if not v_max: v_max = np.ceil(rpt[color_var].max()) # run the report for the hover data d_custom_data: Dict = self._rpt_to_html(df=rpt) source: List = [] target: List = [] value: List = [] edge_custom_data = [] edge_color: List = [] edge_labels: List = [] node_colors: List = [] node_labels: List = [] for n in int_graph.nodes: node_labels.append(int_graph.nodes[n]['mc'].name) if int_graph.nodes[n]['mc'].node_type == NodeType.BALANCE: if int_graph.nodes[n]['mc'].is_balanced: node_colors.append('green') else: node_colors.append('red') else: node_colors.append('blue') for u, v, data in int_graph.edges(data=True): edge_labels.append(data['mc'].name) source.append(u) target.append(v) value.append(float(data['mc'].aggregate[width_var].iloc[0])) edge_custom_data.append(d_custom_data[data['mc'].name]) if color_var is not None: val: float = float(data['mc'].aggregate[color_var].iloc[0]) str_color: str = f'rgba{self._color_from_float(v_min, v_max, val, cmap)}' edge_color.append(str_color) else: edge_color: Optional[str] = None d_sankey: Dict = {'node_color': node_colors, 'edge_color': edge_color, 'edge_custom_data': edge_custom_data, 'edge_labels': edge_labels, 'labels': node_labels, 'source': source, 'target': target, 'value': value} return d_sankey @staticmethod def _get_sankey_node_link_dicts(d_sankey: Dict): node: Dict = dict( pad=15, thickness=20, line=dict(color="black", width=0.5), label=d_sankey['labels'], color=d_sankey['node_color'], customdata=d_sankey['labels'] ) link: Dict = dict( source=d_sankey['source'], # indices correspond to labels, eg A1, A2, A1, B1, ... target=d_sankey['target'], value=d_sankey['value'], color=d_sankey['edge_color'], label=d_sankey['edge_labels'], # over-written by hover template customdata=d_sankey['edge_custom_data'], hovertemplate='<b><i>%{label}</i></b><br />Source: %{source.customdata}<br />' 'Target: %{target.customdata}<br />%{customdata}' ) return node, link def _get_scatter_node_edges(self, pos): # edges edge_color_map: Dict = {True: 'grey', False: 'red'} edge_annotations: Dict = {} edge_traces = [] for u, v, data in self.graph.edges(data=True): x0, y0 = pos[u] x1, y1 = pos[v] edge_annotations[data['mc'].name] = {'pos': np.mean([pos[u], pos[v]], axis=0)} edge_traces.append(go.Scatter(x=[x0, x1], y=[y0, y1], line=dict(width=2, color=edge_color_map[data['mc'].status.ok]), hoverinfo='none', mode='lines+markers', text=data['mc'].name, marker=dict( symbol="arrow", color=edge_color_map[data['mc'].status.ok], size=16, angleref="previous", standoff=15) )) # nodes node_color_map: Dict = {None: 'grey', True: 'green', False: 'red'} node_x = [] node_y = [] node_color = [] node_text = [] node_label = [] for node in self.graph.nodes(): x, y = pos[node] node_x.append(x) node_y.append(y) node_color.append(node_color_map[self.graph.nodes[node]['mc'].is_balanced]) node_text.append(node) node_label.append(self.graph.nodes[node]['mc'].name) node_trace = go.Scatter( x=node_x, y=node_y, mode='markers+text', hoverinfo='none', marker=dict( color=node_color, size=30, line_width=2), text=node_text, customdata=node_label, hovertemplate='%{customdata}<extra></extra>') # edge annotations edge_labels = list(edge_annotations.keys()) edge_label_x = [edge_annotations[k]['pos'][0] for k, v in edge_annotations.items()] edge_label_y = [edge_annotations[k]['pos'][1] for k, v in edge_annotations.items()] edge_annotation_trace = go.Scatter( x=edge_label_x, y=edge_label_y, mode='markers', hoverinfo='text', marker=dict( color='grey', size=3, line_width=1), text=edge_labels) return edge_traces, node_trace, edge_annotation_trace @staticmethod def _get_position_kwargs(table_pos, table_area, plot_type): """Helper to manage location dependencies Args: table_pos: position of the table: left|right|top|bottom table_area: fraction of the plot to assign to the table [0, 1] Returns: """ name_type_map: Dict = {'sankey': 'sankey', 'network': 'xy'} specs = [[{"type": 'table'}, {"type": name_type_map[plot_type]}]] widths: Optional[List[float]] = [table_area, 1.0 - table_area] subplot_kwargs: Dict = {'rows': 1, 'cols': 2, 'specs': specs} table_kwargs: Dict = {'row': 1, 'col': 1} plot_kwargs: Dict = {'row': 1, 'col': 2} if table_pos == 'left': subplot_kwargs['column_widths'] = widths elif table_pos == 'right': subplot_kwargs['column_widths'] = widths[::-1] subplot_kwargs['specs'] = [[{"type": name_type_map[plot_type]}, {"type": 'table'}]] table_kwargs['col'] = 2 plot_kwargs['col'] = 1 else: subplot_kwargs['rows'] = 2 subplot_kwargs['cols'] = 1 table_kwargs['col'] = 1 plot_kwargs['col'] = 1 if table_pos == 'top': subplot_kwargs['row_heights'] = widths subplot_kwargs['specs'] = [[{"type": 'table'}], [{"type": name_type_map[plot_type]}]] table_kwargs['row'] = 1 plot_kwargs['row'] = 2 elif table_pos == 'bottom': subplot_kwargs['row_heights'] = widths[::-1] subplot_kwargs['specs'] = [[{"type": name_type_map[plot_type]}], [{"type": 'table'}]] table_kwargs['row'] = 2 plot_kwargs['row'] = 1 if plot_type == 'network': # different arguments for different plots plot_kwargs = {f'{k}s': v for k, v in plot_kwargs.items()} return subplot_kwargs, table_kwargs, plot_kwargs def _rpt_to_html(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> Dict: custom_data: Dict = {} fmts: Dict = self._get_column_formats(df.columns) for i, row in df.iterrows(): str_data: str = '<br />' for k, v in dict(row).items(): str_data += f"{k}: {v:{fmts[k][1:]}}<br />" custom_data[i] = str_data return custom_data @staticmethod def _color_from_float(vmin: float, vmax: float, val: float, cmap: Union[ListedColormap, LinearSegmentedColormap]) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: if isinstance(cmap, ListedColormap): color_index: int = int((val - vmin) / ((vmax - vmin) / 256.0)) color_index = min(max(0, color_index), 255) color_rgba = tuple(cmap.colors[color_index]) elif isinstance(cmap, LinearSegmentedColormap): norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) m = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap) r, g, b, a = m.to_rgba(val, bytes=True) color_rgba = int(r), int(g), int(b), int(a) else: NotImplementedError("Unrecognised colormap type") return color_rgba
[docs] def set_node_names(self, node_names: Dict[int, str]): """Set the names of network nodes with a Dict """ for node in node_names.keys(): if ('mc' in self.graph.nodes[node].keys()) and (node in node_names.keys()): self.graph.nodes[node]['mc'].name = node_names[node]
[docs] def set_stream_data(self, stream_data: dict[str, Optional[MC]]): """Set the data (MassComposition) of network edges (streams) with a Dict""" for stream_name, stream_data in stream_data.items(): stream_found = False nodes_to_refresh = set() for u, v, data in self.graph.edges(data=True): if 'mc' in data.keys() and (data['mc'].name if data['mc'] is not None else data['name']) == stream_name:'Setting data on stream {stream_name}') data['mc'] = stream_data stream_found = True nodes_to_refresh.update([u, v]) if not stream_found: self._logger.warning(f'Stream {stream_name} not found in graph') else: # refresh the node status for node in nodes_to_refresh: self.graph.nodes[node]['mc'].inputs = [self.graph.get_edge_data(e[0], e[1])['mc'] for e in self.graph.in_edges(node)] self.graph.nodes[node]['mc'].outputs = [self.graph.get_edge_data(e[0], e[1])['mc'] for e in self.graph.out_edges(node)]
[docs] def streams_to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, MC]: """Export the Stream objects to a Dict Returns: A dictionary keyed by name containing MassComposition objects """ streams: Dict[str, MC] = {} for u, v, data in self.graph.edges(data=True): if 'mc' in data.keys(): streams[data['mc'].name] = data['mc'] return streams
[docs] def nodes_to_dict(self) -> Dict[int, OP]: """Export the MCNode objects to a Dict Returns: A dictionary keyed by integer containing MCNode objects """ nodes: Dict[int, OP] = {} for node in self.graph.nodes.keys(): if 'mc' in self.graph.nodes[node].keys(): nodes[node] = self.graph.nodes[node]['mc'] return nodes
def set_nodes(self, stream: str, nodes: Tuple[int, int]): mc: MC = self.get_edge_by_name(stream) mc._nodes = nodes self._update_graph(mc)
[docs] def reset_nodes(self, stream: Optional[str] = None): """Reset stream nodes to break relationships Args: stream: The optional stream (edge) within the network. If None all streams nodes on the network will be reset. Returns: """ if stream is None: streams: Dict[str, MC] = self.streams_to_dict() for k, v in streams.items(): streams[k] = v.set_nodes([random_int(), random_int()]) self.graph = Flowsheet( else: mc: MC = self.get_edge_by_name(stream) mc.set_nodes([random_int(), random_int()]) self._update_graph(mc)
def _update_graph(self, mc: MC): """Update the graph with an existing stream object Args: mc: The stream object Returns: """ # brutal approach - rebuild from streams strms: List[Union[Stream, MC]] = [] for u, v, a in self.graph.edges(data=True): if a['mc'].name == strms.append(mc) else: strms.append(a['mc']) self.graph = Flowsheet(
[docs] def get_edge_by_name(self, name: str) -> MC: """Get the MC object from the network by its name Args: name: The string name of the MassComposition object stored on an edge in the network. Returns: """ res: Optional[Union[Stream, MC]] = None for u, v, a in self.graph.edges(data=True): if a['mc'].name == name: res = a['mc'] if not res: raise ValueError(f"The specified name: {name} is not found on the network.") return res
def set_stream_parent(self, stream: str, parent: str): mc: MC = self.get_edge_by_name(stream) mc.set_parent_node(self.get_edge_by_name(parent)) self._update_graph(mc) def set_stream_child(self, stream: str, child: str): mc: MC = self.get_edge_by_name(stream) mc.set_child_node(self.get_edge_by_name(child)) self._update_graph(mc)
[docs] def reset_stream_nodes(self, stream: Optional[str] = None): """Reset stream nodes to break relationships Args: stream: The optional stream (edge) within the network. If None all streams nodes on the network will be reset. Returns: """ if stream is None: streams: Dict[str, MC] = self.streams_to_dict() for k, v in streams.items(): streams[k] = v.set_nodes([random_int(), random_int()]) self.graph = Flowsheet( else: mc: MC = self.get_edge_by_name(stream) mc.set_nodes([random_int(), random_int()]) self._update_graph(mc)