Source code for elphick.geomet.block_model

import logging
from functools import wraps
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union, Literal, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats

from elphick.geomet import extras
from elphick.geomet.base import MassComposition
from elphick.geomet.extras import BlockmodelExtras
from elphick.geomet.utils.block_model_converter import volume_to_vtk
from elphick.geomet.utils.timer import log_timer

    import pyvista as pv

# Modify the import_extras decorator
[docs] def import_extras(func): @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): omf, omfvista, pv = extras.import_blockmodel_packages() extras_instance = BlockmodelExtras(omf, omfvista, pv) return func(*args, imports=extras_instance, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs] class BlockModel(MassComposition):
[docs] def __init__(self, data: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, moisture_in_scope: bool = True, mass_wet_var: Optional[str] = None, mass_dry_var: Optional[str] = None, moisture_var: Optional[str] = None, component_vars: Optional[list[str]] = None, composition_units: Literal['%', 'ppm', 'ppb'] = '%', components_as_symbols: bool = True, ranges: Optional[dict[str, list]] = None, config_file: Optional[Path] = None): if data is not None: if isinstance(data.index, pd.MultiIndex): if all([n.lower() in data.index.names for n in ['x', 'y', 'z', 'dx', 'dy', 'dz']]): self.is_irregular = True elif all([n.lower() in data.index.names for n in ['x', 'y', 'z']]): self.is_irregular = False data.index.set_names([n.lower() for n in data.index.names], inplace=True) else: raise ValueError("The index must be a pd.MultiIndex with names ['x', 'y', 'z'] " "or [['x', 'y', 'z', 'dx', 'dy', 'dz'].") # sort the data to ensure consistent with pyvista data.sort_index(level=['z', 'y', 'x'], ascending=[True, True, True], inplace=True) super().__init__(data=data, name=name, moisture_in_scope=moisture_in_scope, mass_wet_var=mass_wet_var, mass_dry_var=mass_dry_var, moisture_var=moisture_var, component_vars=component_vars, composition_units=composition_units, components_as_symbols=components_as_symbols, ranges=ranges, config_file=config_file)
@classmethod @import_extras def from_omf(cls, omf_filepath: Path, imports, name: Optional[str] = None, columns: Optional[list[str]] = None) -> 'BlockModel': reader = imports.omf.OMFReader(str(omf_filepath)) project: imports.omf.Project = reader.get_project() # get the first block model detected in the omf project block_model_candidates = [obj for obj in project.elements if isinstance(obj, imports.omf.volume.VolumeElement)] if name: omf_bm = [obj for obj in block_model_candidates if == name] if len(omf_bm) == 0: raise ValueError(f"No block model named '{name}' found in the OMF file.") else: omf_bm = omf_bm[0] elif len(block_model_candidates) > 1: names: list[str] = [ for obj in block_model_candidates] raise ValueError(f"Multiple block models detected in the OMF file - provide a name argument from: {names}") else: omf_bm = block_model_candidates[0] origin = np.array(project.origin) bm = volume_to_vtk(omf_bm, origin=origin, columns=columns) # Create DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame(bm.cell_centers().points, columns=['x', 'y', 'z']) # set the index to the cell centroids df.set_index(['x', 'y', 'z'], drop=True, inplace=True) if not isinstance(bm, imports.pv.RectilinearGrid): for d, t in zip(['dx', 'dy', 'dz'], ['tensor_u', 'tensor_v', 'tensor_w']): # todo: fix - wrong shape df[d] = eval(f"omf_bm.geometry.{t}") df.set_index(['dx', 'dy', 'dz'], append=True, inplace=True) # Add the array data to the DataFrame for name in bm.array_names: df[name] = bm.get_array(name) # temporary workaround for no mass df['DMT'] = 2000 moisture_in_scope = False return cls(data=df,, moisture_in_scope=moisture_in_scope) @import_extras def to_omf(self, omf_filepath: Path, imports, name: str = 'Block Model', description: str = 'A block model'): # Create a Project instance project = imports.omf.Project(name=name, description=description) # Create a VolumeElement instance for the block model block_model = imports.omf.VolumeElement(name=name, description=description, geometry=imports.omf.VolumeGridGeometry()) # Set the geometry of the block model block_model.geometry.origin ='x').min(), \'y').min(), \'z').min() # Set the axis directions block_model.geometry.axis_u = [1, 0, 0] # Set the u-axis to point along the x-axis block_model.geometry.axis_v = [0, 1, 0] # Set the v-axis to point along the y-axis block_model.geometry.axis_w = [0, 0, 1] # Set the w-axis to point along the z-axis # Set the tensor locations and dimensions if 'dx' not in # Calculate the dimensions of the cells x_dims = np.diff('x').unique()) y_dims = np.diff('y').unique()) z_dims = np.diff('z').unique()) # Append an extra value to the end of the dimensions arrays x_dims = np.append(x_dims, x_dims[-1]) y_dims = np.append(y_dims, y_dims[-1]) z_dims = np.append(z_dims, z_dims[-1]) # Assign the dimensions to the tensor attributes block_model.geometry.tensor_u = x_dims block_model.geometry.tensor_v = y_dims block_model.geometry.tensor_w = z_dims else: block_model.geometry.tensor_u ='dx').unique().tolist() block_model.geometry.tensor_v ='dy').unique().tolist() block_model.geometry.tensor_w ='dz').unique().tolist() # Sort the blocks by their x, y, and z coordinates blocks: pd.DataFrame = # Add the data to the block model data = [imports.omf.ScalarData(name=col, location='cells', array=blocks[col].values) for col in blocks.columns] = data # Add the block model to the project project.elements = [block_model] assert project.validate() # Write the project to a file imports.omf.OMFWriter(project, str(omf_filepath)) @log_timer def get_blocks(self) -> Union['pv.StructuredGrid', 'pv.UnstructuredGrid']: try: # Attempt to create a regular grid grid = self.create_structured_grid() self._logger.debug("Created a pv.StructuredGrid.") except ValueError: # If it fails, create an irregular grid grid = self.create_unstructured_grid() self._logger.debug("Created a pv.UnstructuredGrid.") return grid @import_extras def plot(self, scalar: str, imports, show_edges: bool = True) -> 'pv.Plotter': if scalar not in self.data_columns: raise ValueError(f"Column '{scalar}' not found in the DataFrame.") # Create a PyVista plotter plotter = imports.pv.Plotter() mesh = self.get_blocks() # Add a thresholded mesh to the plotter plotter.add_mesh_threshold(mesh, scalars=scalar, show_edges=show_edges) return plotter
[docs] def is_regular(self) -> bool: """ Determine if the grid spacing is complete and regular If it is, a pv.StructuredGrid is suitable. If not, a pv.UnstructuredGrid is suitable. :return: """ block_sizes = np.array(self._block_sizes()) return np.all(np.isclose(np.mean(block_sizes, axis=1), 0))
def _block_sizes(self): data = x_unique = data.index.get_level_values('x').unique() y_unique = data.index.get_level_values('y').unique() z_unique = data.index.get_level_values('z').unique() x_spacing = np.diff(x_unique) y_spacing = np.diff(y_unique) z_spacing = np.diff(z_unique) return x_spacing, y_spacing, z_spacing def common_block_size(self): data = x_unique = data.index.get_level_values('x').unique() y_unique = data.index.get_level_values('y').unique() z_unique = data.index.get_level_values('z').unique() x_spacing = np.abs(np.diff(x_unique)) y_spacing = np.abs(np.diff(y_unique)) z_spacing = np.abs(np.diff(z_unique)) return stats.mode(x_spacing).mode, stats.mode(y_spacing).mode, stats.mode(z_spacing).mode @import_extras def create_structured_grid(self, imports) -> 'pv.StructuredGrid': # Get the unique x, y, z coordinates (centroids) data = x_centroids = data.index.get_level_values('x').unique() y_centroids = data.index.get_level_values('y').unique() z_centroids = data.index.get_level_values('z').unique() # Calculate the cell size (assuming all cells are of equal size) dx = np.diff(x_centroids)[0] dy = np.diff(y_centroids)[0] dz = np.diff(z_centroids)[0] # Calculate the grid points x_points = np.concatenate([x_centroids - dx / 2, x_centroids[-1:] + dx / 2]) y_points = np.concatenate([y_centroids - dy / 2, y_centroids[-1:] + dy / 2]) z_points = np.concatenate([z_centroids - dz / 2, z_centroids[-1:] + dz / 2]) # Create the 3D grid of points x, y, z = np.meshgrid(x_points, y_points, z_points, indexing='ij') # Create a StructuredGrid object grid = imports.pv.StructuredGrid(x, y, z) # Add the data from the DataFrame to the grid for column in data.columns: grid.cell_data[column] = data[column].values return grid def create_voxels(self) -> 'pv.UnstructuredGrid': grid = self.voxelise( return grid
[docs] @import_extras def create_unstructured_grid(self, imports) -> 'pv.UnstructuredGrid': """ Requires the index to be a pd.MultiIndex with names ['x', 'y', 'z', 'dx', 'dy', 'dz']. :return: """ # Get the x, y, z coordinates and cell dimensions blocks =['z', 'y', 'x']) # if no dims are passed, estimate them if 'dx' not in blocks.columns: dx, dy, dz = self.common_block_size() blocks['dx'] = dx blocks['dy'] = dy blocks['dz'] = dz x, y, z, dx, dy, dz = (blocks[col].values for col in blocks.columns if col in ['x', 'y', 'z', 'dx', 'dy', 'dz']) blocks.set_index(['x', 'y', 'z', 'dx', 'dy', 'dz'], inplace=True) # Create the cell points/vertices # REF: n_cells = len(x) # Generate cell nodes for all points in data set # - Bottom c_n1 = np.stack(((x - dx / 2), (y - dy / 2), (z - dz / 2)), axis=1) c_n2 = np.stack(((x + dx / 2), (y - dy / 2), (z - dz / 2)), axis=1) c_n3 = np.stack(((x - dx / 2), (y + dy / 2), (z - dz / 2)), axis=1) c_n4 = np.stack(((x + dx / 2), (y + dy / 2), (z - dz / 2)), axis=1) # - Top c_n5 = np.stack(((x - dx / 2), (y - dy / 2), (z + dz / 2)), axis=1) c_n6 = np.stack(((x + dx / 2), (y - dy / 2), (z + dz / 2)), axis=1) c_n7 = np.stack(((x - dx / 2), (y + dy / 2), (z + dz / 2)), axis=1) c_n8 = np.stack(((x + dx / 2), (y + dy / 2), (z + dz / 2)), axis=1) # - Concatenate # nodes = np.concatenate((c_n1, c_n2, c_n3, c_n4, c_n5, c_n6, c_n7, c_n8), axis=0) nodes = np.hstack((c_n1, c_n2, c_n3, c_n4, c_n5, c_n6, c_n7, c_n8)).ravel().reshape(n_cells * 8, 3) # create the cells # REF: https://docs/ cells_hex = np.arange(n_cells * 8).reshape(n_cells, 8) grid = imports.pv.UnstructuredGrid({imports.pv.CellType.VOXEL: cells_hex}, nodes) # add the attributes (column) data for col in blocks.columns: grid.cell_data[col] = blocks[col].values return grid
@staticmethod @log_timer @import_extras def voxelise(blocks, imports) -> 'pv.UnstructuredGrid': logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) msg = "Voxelising blocks requires PVGeo package." logger.error(msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) # vtkpoints = PVGeo.points_to_poly_data(centroid_data) x_values = blocks.index.get_level_values('x').values y_values = blocks.index.get_level_values('y').values z_values = blocks.index.get_level_values('z').values # Stack x, y, z values into a numpy array centroids = np.column_stack((x_values, y_values, z_values)) # Create a PolyData object polydata = imports.pv.PolyData(centroids) # Add cell values as point data for column in blocks.columns: polydata[column] = blocks[[column]] # Create a Voxelizer filter voxelizer = PVGeo.filters.VoxelizePoints() # Apply the filter to the points grid = voxelizer.apply(polydata)"Voxelised {blocks.shape[0]} points.")"Recovered Angle (deg.): %.3f" % voxelizer.get_angle())"Recovered Cell Sizes: (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)" % voxelizer.get_spacing()) return grid def __str__(self): return f"BlockModel: {}\n{self.aggregate.to_dict()}"